offers a comprehensive range of solar lead types designed to cater to the specific needs of solar businesses. Whether you’re looking to expand your customer base, increase conversions, or find potential clients for solar projects, has you covered with a variety of lead options.

  1. Refinance Leads: Refinance leads are a unique type of solar lead that can prove to be extremely valuable for solar businesses. These leads involve homeowners who are considering refinancing their existing mortgages and are interested in incorporating solar solutions into their homes during the process. Refinance leads offer a strategic opportunity to target individuals who are already contemplating financial decisions related to their homes, making them more receptive to solar solutions that can save them money in the long run. provides quality refinance leads that allow solar companies to tap into this untapped market segment.
  2. Fresh Solar Form Leads: Fresh solar form leads are a prime option for solar businesses seeking real-time, high-quality leads. These leads are generated through online forms filled out by individuals who express interest in adopting solar energy for their homes or businesses. Fresh solar form leads are particularly advantageous as they are obtained in real-time, ensuring that businesses can promptly reach out to potential clients while their interest is still at its peak. offers a steady stream of fresh solar form leads, allowing solar companies to connect with motivated prospects and convert them into loyal customers.
  3. Aged Solar Form Leads: Aged solar form leads are another valuable lead type offered by These leads have expressed interest in solar energy solutions but may not have been contacted immediately. Aged leads are excellent for businesses looking to maximize their outreach efforts and capitalize on a broader range of potential customers. They can be a cost-effective solution for nurturing leads that may have slipped through the cracks initially or for businesses aiming to revitalize their lead conversion strategy. understands that every solar business has distinct requirements when it comes to leads. That’s why they provide a variety of lead types, enabling businesses to tailor their approach and optimize their sales efforts. By offering refinance leads, fresh solar form leads, and aged solar form leads, empowers solar companies to reach out to prospects at different stages of their solar journey and customize their engagement strategies accordingly.

In the ever-evolving solar industry, having access to diverse and targeted leads is essential for staying ahead of the competition.’s range of solar lead types provides solar businesses with the tools they need to expand their customer base, increase conversions, and make a meaningful impact on the transition to renewable energy solutions.